Archive-Programme-EN Archive Programme Show all-2021--2022--2023--2024-Archive ProgrammeCompositionFine ArtsLiteratureNew MusicFLUID FUTURESFAMED POSITION #02STIPENDIUM to otcDIALOG_Raum Anja ErdmannNICOLE SCHUCK verdriftenDialog & Handlung 04Fellowship holders 2023Kathrin Bach LiteratureJANA DE TROYEREnsemble for New MusicDie Zukunft gehört denDialog & Handlung 02Yeongbin Lee Etüde elbabHörBlick Concert seriesSOUND IN TRANSITIONBaltic Raw OrgChristian Helwing cruXDialog & Handlung 01Workshop for the DeafPrologue for the spaceNEWCOMER PART 2Final presentation 2022NEWCOMER PART 1LÜP Archive35 Years KünstlerhausHanne Römer Valentin MoritzDagrun HintzeFELLOWSHIP HOLDERS 2022Ukraine Online ConferenceUkraine donationEwa PartumAleen SolariLÜP ExhibitionNo post found