Since 2016, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg has been publishing an individual publication for its fellowship holders.
Current catalogues
Visual Arts, Literature and Composition
Catalogue 40 pages plus cover 10 €
Brochure 16 pages incl. cover 7 €
Previous editions 8 or 5 €
The cover of the edition is printed with the respective Pantone colour of the year.
Fellows’ catalogues can be purchased on site during Künstlerhaus office hours, by appointment and during the opening hours of our exhibitions at Stadtgalerie.
We will also be happy to send you a catalogue by post. Please address your order to: info@kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de under the reference catalogue order. We ask for advance transfer of the catalogue price plus a shipping fee of 6 € for international distribution.
Bank account details:
Association Künstlerhaus Lauenburg e.V.
Raiffeisenbank Lauenburg
IBAN DE12 2306 3129 0000 2818 67
We will ship after receipt of payment.
The fellowshipholders’ catalogues are funded by the state of Schleswig-Holstein, among others.

Christian Helwing – cruX
Catalogue for the scholarship by invitation 2020/2021 and the solo exhibition of the same name 2023.
The catalogue is available for 15 €. Orders plus postage via info@kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de.über info@kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de.

Selection of picture postcards from the anniversary edition
35 Years
Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
Jubilee Edition
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary, a special postcard edition has been created. 24 former fellows in the fields of fine arts, literature and composition and other artists associated with the house have participated.

This edition is available in 2 different versions with 12 artists’ cards each at a price of 9 € per edition at the Künstlerhaus. Both editions together are available at the special price of 15 €.
Orders for postal delivery via info@kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de.

World premiere at the Künstlerhaus „Etüde elbab“ – Photos: Dirk Eiserman and Yeongbin Lee „Etüde elbab“
Etüde elbab
Yeongbin Lee – world premiere and score on the occasion of the 35th anniversary.
During her fellowship in Lauenburg in 2020, the artist Yeongbin Lee recorded the sounds and movements of the Elbe in sketches and transformed them into a playable score. The musical performance on the occasion of the anniversary at the Künstlerhaus is the world premiere of the piece “Etüde elbab” – a graphic score for a string trio, which was created here.
The score can be purchased for 7 € and as a special edition in A3 format with hand drawings by the artist for 35 € (edition 9). Orders for postal delivery via info@kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de.
Design Yeongbin Lee und Franziska Füchsl.

World premiere at the Künstlerhaus „Etüde elbab“ – Photos: Dirk Eiserman and Yeongbin Lee „Etüde elbab“
You can listen to the score “Etüde elbab” – Graphic Score for String Trio on YouTube via this Link
Cello, Marie Schmit
Viola, Avanaz Hassani
Violin, Sungkum Yang

Yeongbin Lee „Etüde elbab“

World premiere at the Künstlerhaus „Etüde elbab“ – Photos: Dirk Eiserman