Klang PARCOURS Lauenburg
Klang Parcours (Sound Trail) – Audiovisual city walk through Lauenburg/Elbe
Since 2019, the Open Studio at the Künstlerhaus has been engaged in various workshops and university seminars on the aesthetic and acoustic exploration of Lauenburg. Hearing opens up events, ranges and spaces of communication as well as their density, complexity and changeability to us in a unique way. The acoustic dimension has particular strengths in this regard, if only because it keeps us constantly in touch with the world – even if this often happens unconsciously. Site-specific sound walks and sound collages were created by students of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg on the topic of “Identity and Change in Lauenburg”, as well as intergenerational interviews to record peoples’ memories of the town. Artistic works by former Fellows of the Künstlerhaus complete the selection, which can be seen and heard at 15 sound stations in Lauenburg.
A Sound Trail presents the audiovisual works in an urban context. QR codes placed at selected stations make sound works and background information digitally available on a smartphone or tablet. The artworks enter into a dialogue with the locations and the listeners.
Further information Download.

Grafik: Bianca Wessalowski
Since May 20, 2021
Free sound walk
Folded maps of the sound trail will be available after its opening at the tourist information office and at the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg and invite you to take a free sound walk.
In addition, the tourist information office offers guided tours of the sound course. Continue to the Tourist Information
Note: The Klang Parcours is not barrier-free.
This is a project of the Offenes Atelier of Künstlerhaus Lauenburg.
Folding plans for download and more information about the project via the button
Artistic conception and direction “Offenes Atelier”
Benjamin Stumpf, Marita Landgraf, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
Students of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel
Sven Lütgen, Zentrum für Medien, Sound Studies/Intermedia
Students Leuphana University Lüneburg
Kerstin Hallmann, Institut für Kunst, Musik und ihre Vermittlung
Trainees and federal volunteers of AWO Pflege Schleswig-Holstein, residents of the AWO Walter-Gerling House at the AWO Residential and Service Center Lauenburg
Claudia Löding, Koordinatorin Projekt Quartiersentwicklung, AWO Pflege
Former scholarship holders of the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
Farzia Fallah, Fumiko Kikuchi, Areum Lee, Peter Strickmann
Contributed by
The Klang Parcours is sponsored by the Partnership for Democracy of the City of Lauenburg/Elbe as part of the federal program “Demokratie leben!” by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Further funding is made possible by the Versorgungsbetriebe Elbe, the Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg, the Schifferstadt Lauenburg Elbe and the Kultursommer am Kanal 2021.
As well as supported by the aid fund “Culture holds together” of the Dorit & Alexander Otto Foundation and the Hamburg Cultural Foundation.