![stoerer-verlauf-Visual Arts](https://kuenstlerhaus-lauenburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/stoerer-verlauf-Visual-Arts.png)
FAQ Application
Why do we charge an application fee?
With the high number of applications, the organisational effort for the selection process has greatly increased for the largely volunteer-run house and the juries. We are therefore concerned that primarily people with a serious interest in the profile of the Künstlerhaus apply.
Payment with PayPal does not work, what to do?
As a rule, we always recommend the latest browser and operating system version (and one version older). All functions of the application form have been tested with these versions. It could be that there is software on your computer that blocks redirects to payment service providers.
You can also complete the online application process first and make the payment afterwards. Alternatively, you can transfer the application fee to:
Künstlerhaus Lauenburg e.V.
Raiffeisenbank Lauenburg
IBAN DE12 2306 3129 0000 2818 67
What are „Werkgaben“?
Since its founding, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg has been collecting artistic works by its fellows („Werkgaben“) and presenting them from time to time in exhibitions. Until 2022, all residency fellows were required to leave a work, which then became part of the collection of the Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg. Since 2023 this is a voluntary gift.