Blurring The Lines

Blurring The Lines

13 July – 8 September 2024

Design practice between art and visual communication
Exhibition / Workshop / Discussion / Blurry Library/ Reading
Curation: Marita Landgraf & Káschem Büro

Opening: 13 July 2024 – 4 pm
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

Welcoming Speech: Christa Mahl, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg e.V.
Introduction: Marita Landgraf and Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt, curators of the exhibition
Followed by quiche and rosé on the Künstlerhaus terrace


Photographic tour – Photos: Lena Kunz

‘Blurring the Lines’ brings together a variety of creative works to showcase the individual modes of expression and practice of designers and artists. The exhibition explores the interrelationships between visual communication and art: free spaces and grey areas, overlaps, dialogues and collaborations. The intention is to blur the rigid boundaries between the two fields and professional descriptions and to use exemplary positions to show ways in between.  

The concept for the exhibition was developed in the “in-between” and in close collaboration with the designers Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt and Nina Massow from Káschem Büro, who will also be exhibiting works. In addition, the invited designers Jian Haake, Santiago da Silva and Rana Wassef, who move freely between art and visual communication without any fixed categorisation, will be showing further works and contributing curatorial work. The entire team contributes suggestions for additional works by other designers, so that the collection expands collectively.  

An open work table invites all interested parties to get creative themselves and visitors can read and be inspired in the Blurry Library. The exhibition will be accompanied by further workshops and dialogue formats.

“Blurring the Lines” is an exhibition, an experiment, an action that takes shape in order to question attributions. We look forward to your visit!


The exhibition shows works by: Juan Blanco, Supisara Burapachaisri, Reinaldo Camejo, Carmen Gray, Mankun Guo, Jian Haake, Miriam Hartung, Irene Janson, Káschem Büro (Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt und Nina Massow), Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, Leonie Lindl, Anika Mohr, Franziska Nast, Christine Salmen, Gersande Schellinx, Stoodio Santiago da Silva (Ana Cecilia Breña und Santiago da Silva), Studio Kultur & Identität Hfk Bremen, Thomas Suadicani, Rana Wassef, Maj-Brit Wussow, Alex Zeta and more.

27 – 28 June 2024

Democracy Spectrum

The results will be exhibited on 9 November in the city library for the Day & Night of Democracy.

White Title Studio
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

In a two-day workshop with pupils from Albinus Gemeinschaftsschule Lauenburg, posters on the topic of democracy are created. Some motifs can be taken along at the exhibition opening to be used directly in the Lauenburg demonstration “Yesterday, today, tomorrow – Standing up for democracy” on 14 July 2024.

Some poster motifs can be taken along in the ‘Blurring the Lines’ exhibition.

13 July 2024 – 4 pm


Blurring the Lines

Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

Welcoming Speech: Christa Mahl, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg e.V.
Introduction: Marita Landgraf and Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt, curators of the exhibition
Followed by quiche and rosé on the Künstlerhaus terrace

13 July – 8 September 2024

Blurry Library

Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

In the constantly growing Blurry Library, visitors are invited to trace the exhibitors’ individually relevant cultural, social, design-theoretical or design-historical sources of inspiration and references. This creates direct links to the exhibition. Artistic publications by students are also on display. Students can leave their own inspirations or thoughts in the books on bookmarks.

15–17 July 2024

Unruly Repairs

Workshop von Jian Haake
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

This three-day workshop at Künstlerhaus Lauenburg brings together international graphic designers and experienced makers who are interested in engaging in critical conversations around tool ecologies. While operating in an ambiguous terrain, oscillating between art and visual communication, we aim to explore disobedient strategies and unconventional tools that intentionally create friction, cause discomfort, and foster the unexpected. The workshop is a dynamic interchange between creative practice, artistic expression and critical reflection.

28 July 2024 – 2-5 pm

Artists’ Publications – Students in Dialogue

Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

Students present their artistic publications and discuss creative processes, from finding a theme to visual realisation. This practice-orientated exchange makes it possible to reflect on experiences, share ideas and find valuable accomplices. 

In the second part, we would like to take a look at current challenges in the design professions with Victoria Ringleb, Managing Director of the Alliance of German Designers (AGD): Can print products be sustainable? What role does digital play, and what role does the haptic quality of printed materials play?

Sven-Christian Schuch, Curator & Artistic Director of “sp ce | Muthesius”, will lead through the afternoon. Interested visitors are welcome to join us for a creative professional discussion and a merry get-together.

Photos: Marita Landgraf

Messages for democracy

Zines on the subject of freedom of expression

The results will be exhibited on 9 November in the city library on the Day & Night of Democracy.

The workshop with Risofort took place on 15 and 16 October 2024 with pupils from Albinus Gemeinschaftsschule Lauenburg.

Photos: Marita Landgraf

9 August 2024 – 10 am – 5 pm


Design and print your own magazine!

Summer holiday workshop in cooperation with the Ortsjugendring Lauenburg
Risofort Druck-Kollektiv
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

In two open workshops for young people aged between 12 and 19, posters and a collaborative magazine on the subject of freedom of expression will be created on the Risograph. The collective will provide an introduction to this special instant printing technique.

Participants can come to just one of the two dates or attend both days.
Contribution towards expenses: €2, incl. lunch provided by the Ortsjugendring Lauenburg 
Binding registration to:

from 9 August 2024Release 5 pm

Poster Wall Lauenburg

curated by studio other types
Alte Wache, Lauenburg
Public Release: 9 August 2024, 5 pm on site

The “Poster Wall Lauenburg” is dedicated to graphic research in public space in order to make contemporary poster art visible to a broad society. Contributors from various disciplines are invited to design posters for the participatory project: Graphic artists, illustrators, designers, visual artists, photographers and calligraphers. The poster wall gives creative people the opportunity to show design free of boundaries and spaces and invites viewers to linger, receive and reflect, especially at the release on 9 August at 5 pm! And afterwards at any time. 


Photo: Marita Landgraf

5 September 2024 – 6.30 pm

Behind the Lines – Insights into Design Processes

HEFT Kollektiv, Sandra Mawuto Dotou, Santiago da Silva 
Freiraum im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Moderation: Julia Marie Englert

Design is often a collaborative process. In the open discussion “Behind the Lines”, HEFT, Sandra Mawuto Dotou and Santiago da Silva will provide insights into specific projects and design processes: How does the design of spaces create communities? How can and should design and intersectionality be considered together? Is there an order of art, information and craft? Work processes and decisions in design are critically scrutinised in discussion and the aspect of collective work is focused on.

8 September 2024 – 2 pm

Finissage and
Open Monument Day

Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

The results of all the workshops will be presented in the “Gestaltungsraum” on Open Monument Day.

8 September 2024 – 4 pm

Offenes Terrain

Reading with Nail Dogan, Magdalena Saiger & Senka
curated by Annika Dorau
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg

Words take shape, become a world. The stage belongs to the authors. Sound for sound, their stories wander between prose and poetry in the open terrain. They name, conceal, tell. Everyone is welcome to the Open Terrain for Literature on 8 September at Künstlerhaus Lauenburg. 
Afterwards, we invite you to a cheerful get-together on the terrace of the Künstlerhaus. 

Grafische Gestaltung: Annika Dorau und Káschem Büro (Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt & Nina Massow)
Schriftzug /Grafik : Káschem Büro (Insa Kühlcke-Schmoldt & Nina Massow)

Funded by

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