Rudolf Ludewig Fellow Fine Arts, 1994/ Rudolf Ludewig, Schaltung 1.008, 1990, silkscreen print, 63 cm x 63 cm (framed), photo: Marcel Stammen Inventarnr.: BK-1994/1995-RL
Category Archives: 1990
Thea Koch-Giebel
Thea Koch-Giebel Fellow Fine Arts, 1990/ Thea Koch-Giebel, Elbufer 91, 1991, acrylic on canvas, 70 cm x 57 cm, photo: Marcel Stammen Inventarnr.: BK-1990/1991-TKG go to Artothek
Friedhelm Schneider
Friedhelm Schneider Fellow Fine Arts, 1989/ Friedhelm Schneider, untitled (Künstlerhausterasse), 1990, b/w photography, 100 cm x 100 cm (framed), photo: Marcel Stammen Inventarnr.: BK-1989/1990-FS
Andreas Reinhard
Andreas Reinhard Fellow Fine Arts, 1990/91 Andreas Reinhard, Lauenburg/Elbe, 1991, etching on paper, dimensions: 75 cm x 90 cm, image not available Inventarnr.: BK-1990/1991-AR
Joachim Meinert
Joachim Meinert Fellow Literature, 1990/91 Joachim Meinert, Publizistik, translations, with 10 woodcuts, 1991, book, illustration not available Inventarnr.: L-1990/1991-JM
Mattes Danae
Mattes Danae Fellow Fine Arts, 1990/ Mattes Danae, Was bleibt, 1991, clay object, glazed, image not available Inventarnr.: BK-1990/1991-MD
Christine Becker
Christine Becker Fellow Fine Arts, 1990/ Christine Becker, Fantasia – Das Imbissbundesland, Des Deutschen liebstes Kind, 1991, color photographs, illustration not available Inventarnr.: BK-1990/1991-CB
Susanne Jensen
Susanne Jensen Fellow Fine Arts, 1989/ Susanne Jensen, Sonnenstand, 1990, oil on wood, 95 cm x 95 cm, photo: Marcel Stammen Inventarnr.: BK-1989/1990-SJ go to Artothek