28 July 2024 – 2-5 pm
Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
Students present their artistic publications and discuss creative processes, from finding a theme to visual realisation. This practice-orientated exchange makes it possible to reflect on experiences, share ideas and find valuable accomplices.
In the second part, we would like to take a look at current challenges in the design professions with Victoria Ringleb, Managing Director of the Alliance of German Designers (AGD): Can print products be sustainable? What role does digital play, and what role does the haptic quality of printed materials play?
Sven-Christian Schuch, Curator & Artistic Director of “sp ce | Muthesius”, will lead through the afternoon. Interested visitors are welcome to join us for a creative professional discussion and a merry get-together.

Photos: Marita Landgraf
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